Transformation Connections



Best for clients with a daily shampooing regimen, who’re very active, and are looking to achieve length, volume, highlights, or lowlights.

An absolute game changer for active women on the go! We’ve redefined the technique of applying hair extensions with our Transformation Connections. Using the latest technology, we’ve created a ring that’s covered from the inside out in 360 degrees of hair. This means hair on hair contact upon installation! They are designed to enhance the client’s natural hair with added volume, length, color and texture. Once secured in the natural hair, they will lay flat and remain unaffected by heat, sweat and hair products. This is a safe and reusable system. With proper care and maintenance, Transformation Connections grant clients the luxury of reusing the extensions for an entire year.



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Transformation Connections


14", 18", 22"


1 Jet Black, 1B Off Black, 2 Darkest Brown, 2R Darkest Brown Red Tone, 3 Dark Brown, 3A Dark Brown Ash Tone, 3/8, 4 Brown, 4R Brown Red Tone, 6 Medium Brown, 6AMedium Brown/Ash Tone, 6R Medium Brown Red Tone, 6R/10 Medium Brown – Red Tone/ Light Brown, 8 Chestnut Brown, 8/25 Chestnut Brown/ Blonde, 10 Light Brown, 12 Golden Brown, 12/24 Golden Brown / Golden Blonde, 12/613 Golden Brown/ Lightest Blonde, 14 Wheat Brown, 15 Regular Colours, 16 Honey Blonde, 17A Ash Brown, 18 Light Ash Brown, 21A Ash Honey Blonde, 22 Ash Blonde, 22/613 Ash Blonde/ Lightest Blonde, 24 Golden Blonde, 24/613 Golden Blonde/ Lightest Blonde, 25 Blonde, 26 Chesnut Blonde, 27R Strawberry Blonde Red Tone, 28 Honey Brown, 30R Auburn Red Tone, 33R Deep Auburn Red Tone, 125 Copper Blonde, 138 Burgundy, 612 Light Ash Blonde, 613 Lightest Blonde, 613B Light Blonde, 617 Lightest Ash Blonde, 618 Scandinavian Blonde, B4 Bleached Brown, B6 Bleached Medium Brown, B7, B8 Bleached Light Brown, B12 Bleached Blonde, B15 Bleached Light Blonde, B17 Bleached Lightest Blonde, B19 Bleached Pastel Blonde, 60B, ce Blonde, 60S Silver Grey, 1B/138 Off Black/Burgundy, 1B/2 Off Black/ Darkest Brown, 2R/6 Darkest Brown – Red Tone/ Medium Brown, 14/24 Wheat Brown/ Golden Blonde, 18/22 Light Ash Brown/ Ash Blonde, 36 Dark Grey, 44 Medium Grey, 51 Light Grey, 56 Lightest Grey, 280 Pepper & Salt, 283 Salt & Pepper, F14 Maroon, F19 Blue, F22 Pink, F28 Purple, F600 Pastel Pink, F620 Red, F660 Pastel Lilac


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